
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wow!! I Won!! =P


This is one of the thousands emails i received recently...

Subject: Congratulation ***You E-mail ID Have Won***
From: British Award Co-ordinator"

The British National Lottery
P O Box 10103b Liverpool,
L30 1RD United Kingdom
Ref: UK/9420X/05
Batch: 074/05/ZY369


We wish to congratulate and inform you on
the selection of your cash prize
£1,000,000.00 (British Pounds) in the
British National Lottery Online Promotion
Program held on the 11th October 2009. The
selection of your e-mail address process was
carried out through random selection in Our
computerized email selection system (ESS)
from a database of over 250,000 email
addresses drawn from which you were
selected. And your e-mail address attached
to ticket number: 56475600545 188 with
Serial number 5368/02 drew the lucky
numbers: 05, 06, 17, 20, 28, 42 (Bonus
33),which subsequently won you the Lottery
in the 1st category i.e match 5 plus
bonus.You have therefore been approved to
claim a total sum of £ 1,000,000.00 (One
Million Pounds) in cash credited to file KTU/
9023118308/03.This is from a total cash
prize of £ 4,000,000.00 (Four Million
Pounds) ,shared among the (4)lucky winners
in this category i.e. Match 6 plus
bonus.Please contact your fiduciary Agent
Mr.Mark Foster immediately with the feed
Verification/Fund Release Form Below:

1. Full Name:
2. Full Address:
3. Marital Status:
4. Occupation:
5. Age:
6. Sex:
7. Nationality:
8. Country of Residence:
9. Telephone Number:

Name:Mr.Mark Foster
Telephone:+44 704-571-0545

I don't know why these kind of spam are always sent to me.
I don't even hv any idea how they got my email address.
And i'm pretty sure there are lotsa lotsa my friends out there getting similar emails.
Am i right?



  1. naaaahh.i always get spam emails saying they are debt collectors,warning me to pay the money i owe 'em/the organization. and they keep on sending me emails with tah ape2 bills attached skali. wth?!


  2. what??
    pathetic nye!!
    hutang sape ha??
    along ke angah?

  3. hutang...ermm....ah-long and ang-ah kot?
    ke kau yg spam email aku akmar.....
    kau neh bknnye leh caye sgt...haha
    da la suke spam aku.ish3 *smbil geleng2 kpale* :P:P:P
