
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Lol!! Lol!! Lol!!


Can i grunt here?
Can i grunt, and scold and curse and express my frustration here?
Can i babble here?
Can i rant here?

I wrote a lot of opinion posts, summary posts and news extract and comments posts.
If i rant and grumble and express my personal emotions here, will this blog change?

Will this blog suddenly turn immature?

I don't know, some may think that way. Some may not.
And i don't think i shd care much abt it.
It will only hinder me from writing in my own blog.

So yes, now i want to rant and grunt.

Why did u do that?
How could u do that?
What did i do that i deserve that?

Cis cis cis cis cis.....
Cis cis cis cis cis.....
Cis cis cis cis cis.....

I dont think i wanna curse here, i dont even curse in real life.
But i'm frustrated, and i'm being patient.
Yes, i'm patient.
And i'm tolerating.
And i am me.

That's all.

-The End-



  1. aish,ni kenape neh akmar ku sayanggggg?

    *dgn nada ala2 keibuan.heh*

    ish,lme da xkomen blog kau.

  2. ada org yg menghurt me...
    *dgn nada ala2 manja merengek*

    kau btul2 ke xnk berblog dh?
    blog la blog la..
    bru aku blh comment.

  3. sape?sape? meh sini org tu,nak kene babab (pukul?) agaknye org tu..meh sini meh *dgn nada marah*

    hmm,stop dlu kot skarang neh.nnt bile pintu ati terbukak,aku start la balik.kau la org 1st aku inform :P

    bile da stop,byk pulak stalker yg tnye.haha.

  4. Dunno what happened AkMaR but I'm guessing you 'sinned' by saying/writing something that's different from what someone else believes and you got some flak for it.

    It's your blog. Do what you like with it. If your reasons are good and honourable then who can complain? Who has justification to complain?

    Speaking out is in some ways good... it should help others see something that is wrong or an injustice.

    But sometimes speaking out may have it's downside... you don't know how successful your speaking out has been, so you may think you've wasted time (?perhaps?)

    Your an intelligent and confident person who is true to herself. Trust you own judgement as to what you write etc. So far, from what I see, you've doing very well indeed.


  5. @ lwtc 247

    Sir, thanks for the comment but i dont really understand ur point. =P
    "'sinned' by saying/writing something that's different from what someone else believes and you got some flak for it."

    what does it mean?
